Having lived in Woodley for 41 years with my wife Hilary and two daughters, who attended local schools, I have a genuine love of our Town. I want to see it thrive and be a pleasant place for all to live and work.
During my time here I have thrown myself into community activities having been a Scout leader, member and Chairman of the Carnival Committee, Member and President of the local Rotary Club and being an active member of the Woodley War Memorial Project, bringing a War Memorial to our Town.
I have, and still serve on both Woodley Town and Wokingham Borough Councils and have been fortunate to represent both councils as their Mayor.
With a diverse and growing population, I believe Woodley will continue to be a town with a village atmosphere.
We can make our town centre stronger by reducing our parking charges, making it attractive for our residents to visit and allow our businesses to prosper.
We can make our town tidier by ensuring our public bins are emptied regularly and not have litter spilling over onto our pavements and ensuring our recycling is collected weekly.
I would very much like to continue to serve you and help to make Woodley the place to live, work and bring up our families.
Please vote for me on May 2nd