I’m a postgraduate in International Business Management and work in the retail sector. I live in Earley with my wife and young son who goes to Aldryngton Primary School.
I was elected to represent Hawkedon Ward on Earley Town Council in May 2023 and I serve on the Amenities and Leisure Committee.
I enjoy helping local residents and think it’s a Councillor's duty to reach out to the local public to better understand their concerns and listen their views. Their voice is not heard by the Lib Dem councillors as they are scrapping weekly waste collection and have stopped supplying food waste caddy liners, which is a matter of concern for the local residents.
I’m also concerned about the road safety crossings and speeding. Also, the road conditions in Earley is in worst state as the number of potholes in the area are increasing day by day.
If you have any concerns or want to share your views, please reach out to me.