Anne has lived in Woodley for over 35 years and her two children attended Woodley Church of England primary school and Waingels College.
She says, “Living in the ward I represent means I share the issues other residents have which makes the task of being a councillor slightly easier. It has been a privilege to represent the people of Woodley. I am keen to continue to improve the environment & services for Woodley.”
She is a science graduate who at one time worked for the Meteorology Office but for some time has worked in space science, supporting satellite operations for European space missions.
As a STEM ambassador, Anne attends local careers fairs and school science events where she describes her work to children and young people, encouraging their interest in science and technology.
Anne has been a Town Councillor since 2011 and was a Borough Councillor from 2019 to 2023. She performs conservation work and veteran tree surveys and is passionate about all aspects of the environment.
She is an enthusiastic supporter of the Climate Emergency Action Plans of Wokingham Borough and Woodley Town councils, and supports both councils in achieving the aim of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.
Anne says “Since being elected I have focused on protecting and enhancing our green spaces. I want to continue this work as well as helping increase recycling rates, creating better cycling experiences and helping focus the Council on supporting residents' mental health.”