Cllr Pauline Jorgensen writes:
I read with interest Cllr Clive Jones’s article in Wokingham Today earlier in May in which he described his first act as Leader of Wokingham Borough Council being to write to the Secretary of State for Housing and Local Government. Cllr Jones is a man of action, the reader might suppose.
Wait, there’s more! A few paragraphs down he says that 10 minutes after taking over the Council he was tackling bus funding. He must have written that letter awfully quickly.
In the following week’s reflections from Cllr Jones, he had added solving the Council’s finances to his growing list of achievements accomplished “within minutes” of taking over the Council last year. He’s almost too good to be true.
Those in the Chamber for the Annual Council meeting were treated to more of Cllr Jones’ modesty when he proclaimed “I was right of course. I usually am”.
How could any mortal fill such enormous shoes left by the former Leader of the Council?
Unfortunately, this boastful attitude is at odds with Cllr Jones’ inaccurate statements.
At Annual Council Clive claimed, “we have balanced the budget without the need to raid the General Reserves.” Having said in April “Liberal Democrats believe very, very strongly in sound finances, and I would say are much better at running the Council’s finances than the Conservatives.”
Actually… There are different reserve pots. Clive used the word “General” to disguise the fact that his administration took £1.3m out of the PFI reserve to plug a gap in the Lib Dem’s budget this year and took a further £1.96m out of reserves to fund the purchase of wheelie bins.
Clive claimed weekly bin collections will continue under the Lib Dems.
Actually… The collection lorry will still turn up at your house every week, but it won’t take all your rubbish. Weekly general household waste and non-food recycling collections have been scrapped by the Lib Dems and will move to a fortnightly service. This statement made in the run up to the election could only have been because Clive was concerned reducing bin collections was unpopular with residents.
Clive claimed at Annual Council, “we have funded free school meals during school holidays, so that children who have them during term time can have them during the school holidays.”
Actually… It is the Conservative Government who has given funding to all Councils across the country to provide free holiday meals to children through the Holiday, Activities and Food Programme and the Household Support Grant.
Clive claimed the Lib Dems have maintained the pothole budget at the level set by the Conservatives last year.
Actually… The Lib Dems are cutting the road repair budget in real terms. The Conservatives increased the road repair budget for the last three years we were in office, from about £2m to £6m per annum. This £6m was confirmed by his Liberal Democrat Executive Member on 17th March when he said that they would maintain our level of funding. Nearly 700 fewer potholes have been repaired under the Lib Dems than under the previous Conservative administration from May to December 2021 compared to May to December 2022 from figures obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.
Clive claimed the Council’s finances had been left in a mess by the previous Conservative administration.
Actually… The Council’s draft statement of accounts shows that when the Conservatives left office “the Council had usable reserves of £186m”. It also says that debt had reduced. Earlier this year the Council’s Chief Finance Officer said that, “the Council has worked over many years on the highest standards of financial management”. This doesn’t sound like the mess Clive claimed Council’s finances were in.
We might disagree but we must be clear and transparent in all communications, whether with residents on the doorstep or in newspapers.
The Nolan principles say those who serve the public should behave with “integrity and honesty”. Misinformation should have no place in democratic politics.
I’m sure Cllr Jones will scramble to claim that it is us who are making things up, his usual go-to response when challenged. There has been a disturbing trend from the Liberal Democrats of attacking those who dare to call out their false claims.
I hope with the new Leader of the Council we will put an end to this misinformation and tall stories. I have always found Cllr Conway to be fair, decent, and honest. I look forward to working with him on that basis.
Cllr Pauline Jorgensen is the leader of Wokingham Borough Conservatives and borough councillor for Hillside