We were delighted to see six Conservative councillors elected to Earley Town Council and would like to thank all the residents who voted for us. We are keen to get stuck in to making the council more active, inclusive and responsive.
Our Conservative Councillors are on the following Committees plus of course full council:
Planning: Pauline Jorgensen and Moses Iyengunmwena
Policy and Resources: Tim Holton and Norman Jorgensen
Amenities and Leisure: Andrew Bradley and Rohit Ahlawat
Our contact details are:
Hawkedon Ward
Rohit Ahlawat, 12 Southwold Close, Lower Earley, RG6 3UB
Hillside Ward
Andrew Bradley, 3 Whitton Close, Lower Earley, RG6 3UQ (01189 353 194)
Moses Iyengunmwena, 52 Swepstone Close, Lower Earley, RG6 3EY
Radstock Ward
Pauline Jorgensen, Planters Lodge, Cutbush Lane, Earley, RG6 4UU (07557 300 712)
Redhatch Ward
Norman Jorgensen, Planters Lodge, Cutbush Lane, Earley, RG6 4UU (07899 906 199)
We would be delighted to hear from you if we can help.