Wokingham Borough’s Liberal Democrat administration’s actions have again failed to match their rhetoric, this time claiming they want to work together but appointing their own councillors to outside organisations over better qualified Conservative councillors.
At the Borough’s Annual Council meeting on 23rd May, the Liberal Democrats, backed by Labour, repeatedly voted against Conservative candidates being appointed to represent the Council on local organisations.
This came just minutes after the Liberal Democrat Council Leader had preached about setting aside political differences and choosing the most appropriate councillors for roles.
In the most glaring example, the youngest councillor, Vishal Srinivasan, was rejected by the Liberal Democrats and Labour for appointment to the Wokingham Youth Counselling and Information Service in favour of an older Liberal Democrat councillor.
Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, Leader of the Conservative Group said:
“Again, Liberal Democrats are all talk and no substance. They preach about teamwork and suggest they are above party politics. But when it comes to it, they voted for Liberal Democrat councillors or Labour, regardless of who the Conservative candidate was. This shows nothing has changed.
“The Liberal Democrat Leader’s claim that he wanted to work with the Opposition and choose the most appropriate councillors didn’t even last to the end of the meeting.
"Residents should be aware that Labour councillors voted every single time with the Liberal Democrats. It’s simply a continuation of the Lib Dem/Labour coalition that has so poorly run the Council over the last two years, with Labour councillors supporting unpopular policies like the punishing hikes in parking charges.”
Pictured - Wokingham Borough Conservative Councillors group before the meeting ( plus Vishal Srinivasen and Norman Jorgensen who missed being in the photo)